기쿠치병에 동반된 뇌척수액 단백상승 소견의 급성 뇌염으로 진단된 남아

기쿠치병에 동반된 뇌척수액 단백상승 소견의 급성 뇌염으로 진단된 남아

Acute meningoencephalitis and high protein level in CSF with Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease in a boy

Release Date : 2014. 10. 24(금)
Joung-Hee Byun1, Yun-Jin Lee1, Su Eun Park1, Young Mi Kim2 , Sang Ook Nam1
Pusan National University Children's Hospital Department of Pediatrics1
Pusan National University Hospital Department of Pediatrics2
변정희1, 이윤진1, 박수은1, 김영미2 , 남상욱1
부산대학교 어린이병원 소아청소년과1
부산대학교병원 소아청소년과2


Introduction: Kichuchi- Fujimoto disease (KFD) is a rare form of lymphadenitis with benign self-limiting condition. Neurological complications, including aseptic meningitis, cerebellar ataxia, mono neuritis multiplex, polymyositis, and brachial neuritis, are not common. Patient: A 12-year-old boy presented with unilateral cervical lymphadenopathy and fever. Histopathological findings of lymph nodes led to the diagnosis of KFD. The boy revisited our hospital due to severe headache and vomiting one week later. CSF analysis demonstrated pleocytosis (lymphocytic 57%), high protein (312 mg/dL) and low CSF/serum glucose ratio (52/121 mg/dL). The etiology was initially suggestive of tuberculous meningitis, and we started anti-tuberculosis drugs. The next day, he had generalized-tonic-clonic seizures and decreased mentality. Brain MRI revealed increased signal involving posterior area of both hemisphere, and EEG showed diffuse slowing during wakefulness, which were compatible with viral meningoencephalitis. Anti-tuberculosis drug was withdrawn, and IV immunoglobulin and glucocorticoids were taken. He had full recovery without neuropsychiatric deficit 2 weeks later. Conclusion: This CSF finding of high protein and lymphocyte-dominant pleocytosis has not been found in KFD with CNS involvement. To the our best acknowledgement, this is the second case of the encephalitis following KFD with abnormal MRI findings.

Keywords: Kichuchi disease, encephalitis, child